High-fives, special handshakes, recess on the jungle gym, trading lunches – these are all fun parts of any typical school year! Unfortunately, they can lead to not-so-fun parts of a typical school year, like the spread of germs and viruses, such as Pink eye.

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is inflammation and a viral, bacterial, or allergic infection of the membrane that lines your eyelid and covers the white in your eye. It’s highly contagious but is easily treated and can be prevented with the right steps.

Tips to Prevent the Spread of Pink Eye

Pink Eye is spread through contact with any eye drainage, which can easily happen between children. With a little bit of cautionary training, though, parents can help prevent the spread of Pink Eye.

Wash HandsĀ  Frequently

Children should wash hands before and after touching their eyes or using eye drops. They should also wash their hands after coming in contact with classmates or friends who are experiencing symptoms of pink eye.

Avoid Using Other Children’s Belongings

Towels, linens, pillows, and handkerchiefs are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that can cause pink eye. Teach your child to avoid sharing any sort of personal item that could have come in contact with an infected eye.

Wear Eye Protection

Wind, heat, cold, and water could cause eye irritation and develop an infection. Children should be encouraged to wear goggles when swimming or glasses or sunglasses when out in the elements.

Don’t Share Makeup or Contact Lens Equipment

Older children who wear makeup or contacts should avoid sharing. Contact cases, eye drop droppers, and mascara could carry infectious bacteria and spread.

If your child’s pink eye persists and you would like more information and tips about Pink Eye and preventions, visit the Mayo Clinic or make an appointment with Vistar Eye Center.