You already know that a diet high in fruits and vegetables is essential for good overall health. However, a study from the Archives of Ophthalmology indicated that eating 3 or more servings of fruit a day can lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) by 36%. ARMD is the primary cause of vision loss in adults.

The study evaluated more than 100,000 participants’ food intake, including fruits, vegetables, antioxidants A, C and E, and carotenoids. After evaluating the effects of each on the early stages of ARMD, the study concluded that fruit was more protective than any other foods — even carrots! — against the disease.

So how can you incorporate more fruit into your diet?

Next time you find yourself reaching for that bag of chips or cookies, try an apple, kiwi or orange to get your sugar fix. Bananas and varieties of berries are especially good for smoothies or topping your morning cereal.

Don’t have time to prepare? Grocery stores carry a wide variety of pre-sliced fruits for your convenience. No matter how you choose to add fruit to your diet, the benefits are worth the time and effort!