Let’s face it: glasses can annoying. You can lose them or break them, and even if they survive daily life, you have to buy new ones every few years, a cost which can really rack up. If you’re tired of glasses, consider the possibility that you could never need them again with Lasik surgery.

Applying Advanced Technology to Your Vision

Lasik surgery has been around since the 1990s, and many people have experienced the benefits of this vision correction procedure. Through Lasik, people who have always had to wear glasses don’t have to worry about vision prescriptions anymore.

More recently, eye surgeons have taken Lasik to a whole new level with CustomVue™ Lasik surgery. It’s a tailored laser vision correction that adjusts the imperfections unique to your eye, instead of using a formula procedure.

Custom Treatment

CustomVue™ Lasik Surgery uses advanced science, technology, and mathematical algorithms to measure and pinpoint the vision aberrations specific to your eye. The procedure essentially takes a “fingerprint” of your cornea and then uses that information to guide a computerized laser that corrects your vision.

This advanced mapping technology has helped alleviate some of the problems of traditional Lasik surgery. For example, post-surgery complications and irritations, such as halo vision, glare, and dry eyes, are even more rare with this type of surgery.

The results of CustomVue™ Lasik surgery speak for themselves:

  • More than 92% of those who received the procedure could pass a driving test without glasses or contact lenses one year after treatment.
  • Almost 3/4s of all clinical study participants could see 20/20 or better without glasses or contact lenses one year after treatment.
  • Clinical study results showed high participant satisfaction with night vision after the procedure compared to night vision before with glasses or contact lenses.

As technology continues to advance, our procedures are becoming more and more effective. If you’ve ever considered Lasik, the eye surgeons at Vistar are happy to discuss your options with you.