“Natural” Vision Correction

It can be tempting to think that our eyes can improve through exercise. In fact, since the early 1900s, newspaper advertisements have promoted exercises and do-it-yourself programs for improving eyesight. Some even claimed that the program would work so effectively that you wouldn’t have to wear glasses.

Nowadays, we do have ways to correct your vision through laser surgery. However, if you’re wanting to get benefits without surgery, the question arises: should you consider spending your time and money on natural vision correction?

The Physics of the Eye

The reason people one hundred years ago and even now believe your vision can be improved through exercises is because they don’t fully understand the way your eyes work. Vision correction done by professional eye surgeons is based on the anatomy of the eye, not on muscle function. Eye shape causes common focusing errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.

To date, no exercises have been shown to change the shape of the eye or prevent presbyopia (age-related problems with near vision caused by inelasticity, a condition that affects everyone eventually).

Because of this, natural and self-help products should be approached with caution. In a 2006 case, the See Clearly Method exercise program in Iowa ended. More customers had registered complaints than expressed satisfaction with the program.

An Important Distinction in “Self-help”

While exercises have not been proven to help your vision, nutrition can make an impact on your eye health. In 2013, a large-scale study sponsored by the National Eye Institute investigated the role of nutrients in the prevention of macular degeneration (AMD) and other age-related eye diseases. Participants with early signs of macular degeneration took a supplement containing the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. This study showed that these supplements reduced the risk of AMD progression.

If you have any questions about your vision and ways to improve it, the eye care professionals at Vistar can help. Our surgeons can discuss the effectiveness of eye treatments and will help you find the best vision correction for your eyes.